Step 4: Reading, reading, reading

There is a lot of literature that you might find useful in your passion discovery journey. Depending on what type of person you are, you might like to read some of the positions below. For others that are more into action, here are some ideas of interesting projects you might want to try.


I've started with 'What colour is your parachute' by Richard N. Bolles, then 'Finding your element' by Ken Robinson and I read all articles that come my way on this topic. The first position might resonate with people who want to change their professional life and align it closer with their passion. The subtitle of the book says it all: A practical manual for job-hunters and career-changers. Finding your element resonated particularly well with me, as I was not interested in changing my career as such, but rather trying to understand what is my passion. The book takes your through a set of exercises and helps you to reflect on those. Yes, it does require some work on your side, but I truly recommend it. Recently a good friend of mine also recommended 'The Artist's Way – A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity. I have not read it yet, but she mentioned that it helped a few of her friends, so it might work for some of you.  


Finally, I found a lot of good tips, guidelines and inspiration in listening to other people stories. So, I've decided that over the course of next year, I'll be reaching out to passionate people and asking them the question: How did you discover your passion? You can read those fascinating stories here. And if you want to share your passion, reach out to me. I hope you will find it inspiring.


Click below to read about step 5

Get inspired on how to find your passion or read stories of passionate people