21. Good things come from creation

by Daniel Jordi

My Passion:

It's not an easy question to answer, as it's not one specific thing. One of the things I love the most is connecting and helping people connect. That has always been my passion and it still is today. And I believe it'll always be. It's basically who I am. My key values are: connection, impact and freedom. I love connecting with people from an inspired place. The way it feels authentic and not persuasive.


Discovery Journey

I don't believe you find your passion, but you discover it through creation. It's inside of you. Asking yourself what's my passion is the wrong question, as it gives you a permission to do nothing and continue waiting for that answer to come.


The purpose of life is to co-create. We create ideas, business, outcomes, records, etc. It's the very basic purpose that makes us human. And this is how I discovered my path, by creating loads of different things. One of the key things I've done – I've published around 300 articles over the last 3 years. Every single article is a creation. And this is how I still discover what I want to do every single day – it's a never ending process. At the core I know who I am. I know my values and everything I do is based on those. And as long as that's true, I'm living my passion.  


This is it

Make a decision and commit to it. The biggest regrets are the things we did not do. So, every moment you waste with not making a decision is that moment of regret. You need to keep trying. Most of the time, you will fail. It's like when kids learn how to walk. They don't wonder: should I walk or not. They get up and try.

Unfortunately, most of the time what it takes to make that decision is a horrible experience (e.g. losing a job). At that moment you project yourself to the end of your life and this is very cathartic. That's where change happened to me.


Try it

I don't believe in courses much. The lens I look at life happens by creation, not consumption. It doesn't matter what you create. You may end up discovering passion in sport and end up doing music. Do one act of creation a week – write a piece of content, record a video, have a conversation with a good friend. All the good things happen by creation.


For full interview, take a look at the video recording below.


Find out more about Daniel's passion on: www.jordico.com


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